EKSKLUZIVNO – Kobi Halperin, kreativni direktor modne kuće Emanuel Ungaro o svojoj karijeri i utiscima iz Srbije


Belgrade is becoming an increasingly respected place for holding shows of world fashion houses. Thanks to the French Embassy in the Serbian capital, we had the opportunity to witness many, and the last one that “stole our hearts” was the show of the fashion house Emanuel Ungaro from Paris.

We followed this fashion spectacle, during which the “Ungaro” collection of creative director Kobi Halperin was presented.

Thanks to our unique collaboration with the fashion house, in an exclusive interview with LA VIE EN ROSE, Mr. Halperin revealed the details of his career, as well as the impressions from the Serbian capital. It is our great honor to present the designer Kobi Halperin to the domestic and foreign audience in the continuation of this text, as well as his words after the fashion show in Belgrade. Also, we would like to point out that during the interview, Halperin had one important piece of advice for all young designers.

Kobi Halperin in Belgrade/Ambassade de France en Serbie

1. LA VIE EN ROSE: How demanding is it to be the creative director of a large French fashion house?

KOBI: It’s an incredible pleasure to work for such an iconic brand like Ungaro. I believe fashion should be joyful, not overly serious, which is why I focus on preserving the brand’s heritage while presenting it in a fresh, modern way that resonates with what women want today.

 2. LA VIE EN ROSE: How does your working day look like and how do you spend your free time?

KOBI: I enjoy having a structured routine. My day usually starts early at the studio, collaborating with my team to create and design. Afterward, I spend quality time with my family. In my free time, I seek inspiration—whether through travel, visiting art exhibitions, or simply exploring new ideas. These experiences spark creativity and enrich my vision for future collections.

Foto: Ustupljene fotografije/Emanuel Ungaro

3. LA VIE EN ROSE: Your collections are mostly inspired by floral motifs. Where does such a passion for flowers come from?

KOBI: Flowers symbolize hope and are one of nature’s most beautiful creations, reminding us that everything will be okay. For my latest collection, I was inspired by Joseph Stella, an artist known for his architectural paintings, but whose vibrant and lively floral works were especially impactful. This inspiration helped me emphasize positivity and hope through fashion. I believe clothing has the power to uplift our mood, and flowers, with their beauty, play a big part in that.

4. LA VIE EN ROSE: You recently held a fashion show in Belgrade, what are your impressions of it?

KOBI: Presenting at the French Embassy in Belgrade was an amazing experience. The warmth and support I received from the people, the models, and the production team made it feel like home. It was a wonderful opportunity to share beauty and positivity with the world.

5. LA VIE EN ROSE: What do you like most about the Serbian capital and what do you think about Serbian fashion?

KOBI: My visit to Belgrade left me curious to explore the city further. The people were welcoming, and their warmth made a lasting impression. I was struck by the sense of history and elegance I saw in the city and its residents. From a fashion perspective, this elegance was inspiring and connected beautifully with the city’s rich cultural heritage.

Foto: Ustupljene fotografije/Emanuel Ungaro

6. LA VIE EN ROSE: In your professional opinion, what are your thoughts about today’s fashion and would you change anything?

KOBI: I’m excited about where fashion is heading. From the start, I’ve been committed to creating designs that celebrate women of all ages and sizes, making them feel beautiful and confident. Today, I see a shift away from streetwear and back toward elegance and tailored clothing, particularly in Europe. This return to sophistication is something I’m thrilled about, as it aligns with my vision of bringing refinement back to fashion.

7. LA VIE EN ROSE: Do you have any important advice for young designers who are just starting out?

KOBI: The best advice I can offer is to discover what makes you unique. You don’t have to excel at everything, but you should identify your strengths and build on them. Experiment, work as part of a team, and learn from others—this is essential. I often joke, “Let someone else pay for your mistakes while you’re learning!” Once you feel confident, humble, and still passionate about fashion, focus on creating something special and unique for your target audience. Most importantly, love and stay loyal to your customers.

LA VIE EN ROSE magazine would like to take this opportunity to highlight the enthusiasm for Emanuel Unagar’s fashion approach during the 21st century, since the designer Kobi Halperin himself does not deviate from femininity and timeless elegance, which will never go out of fashion.

Foto: Ustupljene fotografije/Emanuel Ungaro

Beograd postaje sve uvaženije mesto za održavanje revija svetskih modnih kuća. Zahvaljujući Francuskoj ambasadi u srpskoj prestonici, imali smo priliku da posvedočimo mnogobrojnim, a poslednja koja je “ukrala naše srce” jeste revija modne kuće Emanuel Ungaro iz Pariza.

Ispratili smo ovaj modni spektakl, prilikom kojeg je prikazana kolekcija “Ungaro”  kreativnog direktora Kobija Halperina.

Zahvaljujući našoj jedinstvenoj saradnji sa modnom kućom, gospodin Halperin je u ekskluzivnom intervjuu za LA VIE EN ROSE otkrio detalje svoje karijere, kao i utiske koje je poneo iz srpske prestonice. Izuzetna nam je čast da u nastavku ovog teksta predstavimo domaćoj i stranoj publici dizajnera Kobija Halperina, kao i njegove reči nakon revije u Beogradu. Takođe, istakli bismo da je Halperin tokom intervjua imao i jedan važan savet za sve mlade dizajnere.

Foto: Ustupljene fotografije/Emanuel Ungaro

1. LA VIE EN ROSE: Koliko je zahtevno biti kreativni direktor jedne velike francuske modne kuće?

KOBI: Neverovatno je zadovoljstvo raditi za tako poznat brend kao što je Ungaro. Verujem da moda treba da bude vesela, a ne preterano ozbiljna, zbog čega se fokusiram na očuvanje nasleđa brenda dok ga predstavljam na svež, moderan način koji rezonuje ono što žene žele danas.

2. LA VIE EN ROSE: Kako teče jedan vaš radni dan i kako provodite svoje slobodno vreme?

KOBI: Uživam da rutina ima strukturu. Moj dan obićno počinje rano u studiju, sarađujući sa svojim timom na stvaranju i dizajnu. Nakon toga, provodim kvalitetno vreme sa porodicom. U slobodno vreme tražim inspiraciju – bilo da putujem, posećujem umetničke izložbe ili jednostavno istražujem nove ideje. Ova iskustva podstiču kreativnost i obogaćuju moju viziju budućih kolekcija.

3. LA VIE EN ROSE: Vaše kolekcije inspirisane su ponajviše cvetnim motivima. Otkud tolika strast prema cveću?

KOBI: Cveće simbolizuje nadu i jedno je od najlepših kreacija prirode, podseća nas da će sve biti u redu. Za moju najnoviju kolekciju inspirisao me Džozef Stela, umetnik poznat po svojim arhitektonskim slikama, ali čiji su živopisni i živahni cvetni radovi bili posebno upečatljivi. Ova inspiracija mi je pomogla da naglasim pozitivnost i nadu kroz modu. Verujem da odeća ima moć da nam podiže raspoloženje, a cveće svojom lepotom igra veliku ulogu u tome.

4. LA VIE EN ROSE: Nedavno ste održali modnu reviju u Beogradu, kakvi su Vam utisci sa iste?

KOBI: Predstavljanje u Ambasadi Francuske u Beogradu bilo je neverovatno iskustvo. Toplina i podrška koju sam dobio od ljudi, modela i producentskog tima učinili su da se osećam kao kod kuće. Bila je to divna prilika da podelim lepotu i pozitivnost sa svetom.

Revija u Ambasadi Francuske u Beogradu, novembar 2024. Foto: Ustupljene fotografije

5. LA VIE EN ROSE: Šta Vam se najviše dopada u srpskoj prestonici i šta mislite o srpskoj modi?

KOBI: Moja poseta Beogradu probudila mi je radoznalost da dalje istražujem grad. Ljudi su bili gostoljubivi, a njihova toplina je ostavila trajan utisak. Bio sam zapanjen osećajem za istoriju i elegancijom koje sam video u gradu i njegovim stanovnicima. Iz modne perspektive, ova elegancija je bila inspirativna i lepo povezana sa bogatim kulturnim nasleđem grada.

6. LA VIE EN ROSE: Prema Vašem stručnom mišljenju, kako ocenjujete današnju modu i da li biste nešto promenili?

KOBI: Uzbuđen sam kuda ide moda. Od samog početka, bio sam posvećen kreiranju dizajna koji slave žene svih uzrasta i veličina, čineći ih lepim i samouverenim. Danas vidim pomak od ulične odeće i nazad ka eleganciji i odeći po meri, posebno u Evropi. Ovaj povratak sofisticiranosti je nešto zbog čega sam oduševljen, jer je u skladu sa mojom vizijom vraćanja prefinjenosti u modu.

Foto: Ustupljene fotografije/Emanuel Ungaro

7. LA VIE EN ROSE: Da li imate neki važan savet za mlade dizajnere koji su na svojim počecima?

KOBI: Najbolji savet koji mogu da ponudim je da otkrijete šta vas čini jedinstvenim. Ne morate u svemu da se ističete, ali treba da identifikujete svoje prednosti i da ih nadograđujete. Eksperimentišite, radite kao deo tima i učite od drugih — ovo je neophodno. Često se šalim: “Neka neko drugi plati za vaše greške dok vi učite!” Jednom kada se osetite samopouzdano, skromno i još uvek strastveni prema modi, fokusirajte se na stvaranje nečeg posebnog i jedinstvenog za svoju ciljnu publiku. Što je najvažnije, volite i ostanite verni svojim klijentima.

Magazin LA VIE EN ROSE ovom prilikom želi da istakne oduševljenje modnom pristupu Emanuela Unagara tokom 21. veka, budući da sam dizajner Kobi Halperin ne odstupa od ženstvenosti i bezvremenske elegancije, koja zapravo nikada neće izaći iz mode.


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